Grab Rails
Grab Bars and Grab Rails
The humble grab rails are one of those helping aids in life that we hardly notice but yet they are so very useful.
Most people hold on to a rail of one sort or another be it a bannister or stair rail , or perhaps shower grab rail or toilet grab rail. Wherever we go there are bound to be grab rails to help us along in some way. Grab rails are an essential in accessible washroom facilities. The implementation of accessible grab bars is laid out in the BCA and more details are also found in the AS1428.1-2009

Grab Rails are even used outdoors as bannister railings along stairways balconies walkways and so many more applications too numerous to mention.
Vertical shower grab rails are extremely useful when implemented with shower sliders and hand shower sets. Height adjustable soap baskets are also fitted to these for convenience of the user.